7 Reasons Landlords Should Choose We Love Kitchens
Good news landlords – we’re your one-stop shop for kitting out the kitchens in your properties.
We work with landlords and property managers across the UK, providing them with reliable and great quality kitchen appliances at better than trade prices.
We Love Kitchens’ founder started out as a property developer, so he knows the frustration of trying to source reliable appliances without going way over budget. Thanks to his background, we know what the pluses and pitfalls are of buying for rental properties, and we offer an excellent service for landlords.
Looking for an oven, hob, fridge or freezer for your accommodation? Here’s why you should come to us.
Our Prices Are Always Low
When you’re a commercial property owner, you can’t sit back and wait for the sales - you have year round kitchen appliance requirments. At We Love Kitchens, we make sure that our prices are permanently low, so you can pick up a great value product whenever you need it.
If you’re managing multiple properties, you’re going to need a lot of kitchen appliances – and you don’t want to blow your whole budget on overpriced kit. You also need your big box appliances to be robust, so you can’t buy low quality items. We sell our appliances at trade prices, meaning you get top standard products whilst not paying a huge mark-up.
We Sell A Great Range Of Quality Appliances
Choice is important when it comes to buying kitchen appliances for your rental properties. If you’re managing a high-end letting, you need to make sure that the styling’s right compared to lower spec units. In that context, we have a wide range of integrated and freestanding fridges, freezers, dishwashers, ovens , hobs and microwaves, all at fantastic prices that are just right for the context of your various properties.
Our Lamona ovens, for example, start at under £200, and there’s a choice of built-in and built-under models to suit your layouts. The Lamona Single Conventional Oven is a great example of a competitively priced, contemporary-looking oven that’s easy to maintain and comes with a two-year guarantee.
There’s No Need For Location-Specific Trade Accounts
Some companies demand that you have a location-specific trade account with them. This results in busy landlords having to manage multiple trade accounts that are specific to the property locations. At We Love Kitchens, we understand what a hassle this is - so we’re happy to deal with a single account for all your locations.
Even if you’ve currently got just the one property, this is something to bear in mind for the future. If your portfolio increases, you don’t want to end up with a complicated string of trade accounts.
Fast, Local Delivery – Straight To The Property
We have a great network of supplier depots across the UK, and the manufacturers we work with provide an impressively reliable service. Again, we’ll deliver to any location you want, whatever your billing and account address.
We can also help you find a good local trade specialist to install your kitchen appliance. This service is really helpful if your property isn’t in your local area, and you’re unsure who the best tradespeople are.
Next-Day Delivery Available
If you order before midday, and the product’s available, we can arrange next-day delivery for you. This means your tenants won’t have to go without their must-have kitchen appliances for long, and you won’t have to find a stop-gap solution.
Just think – your tenant will have their brand-new appliance within a couple of days, and they'll be delighted with your service.
We’ll Liaise With Your Tenant
Arranging delivery can be another nightmare for landlords, especially if their property isn’t close to hand. We remove your role as middle man by liaising directly with your tenant or property manager.
This means that we’ll arrange delivery for a time when your tenant is definitely at home, and you won’t need to liaise between us and them, trying to find a time that suits everybody. If you use a property management company, we’ll contact them to make sure somebody’s in.
We Provide Full Product Warranties
All our kitchen appliances are covered by manufacturer’s warranties – great news for your peace-of-mind. If your tenants get in touch with you to report a problem, our network of product manufacturers will be on the case.
Many of the items we sell have a two-year guarantee, and some of the ovens (such as this touch control double oven from Lamona) have a five-year guarantee on their glass doors. It’s great to know that your rental purchases have this level of cover.
Those are seven great reasons why you should buy your rental property’s appliances from We Love Kitchens. Above all, we understand the unique requirements of property management, and will make sure you always get a smooth and reliable service.
To find out more, have a look at our Services for Landlords page, or drop us a lineat We Love Kitchens.